Genetically modified crops their advantage in present and their future prospects: A Review

Importance of GM food crops


  • Yashwant Sompura yash University College of Science MLS University Udaipur Rajasthan India
  • Pratiksha Tiwari Pratiksha Deshbandhu college Noida UP
  • Shikha Kumari Shikha
  • Tansukh Barupal Tansukh Department of Botany University College of Science MLS University Udaipur Rajasthan


GM plants, GM crops , GM mustard


 Recently the world population increases gradually and also increases their food requirements. The GM crops are otherwise called as transgenic crops which are generally modified by transfer of beneficial gene into the crops. The GM crops has beneficial features such as insecticides resistance.
 But they has also harmful effects on environment as well as human health.

Author Biographies

Pratiksha Tiwari Pratiksha , Deshbandhu college Noida UP

Department of Botany 

Shikha Kumari Shikha

Department of Botany 

Tansukh Barupal Tansukh, Department of Botany University College of Science MLS University Udaipur Rajasthan

Department of Botany 


