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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Save time with a template

You will need to format your article ready for submission. To make this easier, a Word template is available, ready for you to download and apply to your document. You can find a link to this.

Format templates to download

 Please download the author template from here, and upload it during the submission as this is a mandatory item.


Four types of contributions are considered for publication:

A)    Original research articles

Articles are original reports whose conclusions represent a substantial advance in understanding of an important problem and have immediate, far-reaching implications.

B)  Min-Review  and Review articles

Min-review and review articles should cover scientific contributions of the submitter(s).

C)    Letters

Letters are short reports of original research focused on an outstanding finding whose importance means that it will be of interest to scientists in other fields.

D)    Brief Communications Arising and Corrections

Brief Communications Arising are exceptionally interesting or important comments and clarifications on original research papers or other peer-reviewed material published in Biomaterials Journal. They are published online but not in print.

 Guideline for writing articles

It is mandatory for the authors to write and prepare their manuscripts according to the instructions and specifications listed below. The length and effectiveness of the peer review process will largely depend upon the care used by authors in preparing their manuscripts. Therefore, contributors are strongly encouraged to read these instructions carefully before preparing a manuscript for submission and to check the manuscript for conformance before submitting it for publication.

Papers must be submitted on the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere and are not currently under consideration by another publisher. The submitting author is responsible for ensuring that the article’s publication has been approved by all the other coauthors. Manuscripts should be submitted by one of the authors of the manuscript through the website. If for some technical reason submission through the website is not possible, the author can contact for support from here.

 Manuscripts which are submitted to Biomaterials Journal should

  • contain original work (submit a form stating the article has not been communicated to any other journal for publication). 
  • follows aims and scope of the journal
  • are clearly and correctly written in English (should be clear, simple and cater to chemistry research area)
  • are delivered in electronic format.

Paper elements:

1.Title page with author name(s) and affiliation(s)




5.Materials and Methods


7. Discussion

8. Conclusion

9. Acknowledgment


 Each of these elements is detailed below.

1. Title should be short but informative, be centered, typed in Times New Roman 14 point and boldface.

      Author Name(s) should be listed all authors of the paper (initial(s) for first and middle name(s) and full family name), be centered beneath the title and typed in Times New Roman 11-point, non-italic and boldface. Every name are numbered superscript sequentially with a star symbol “*” for the corresponding author.

     Affiliation(s) should be shown below the author name(s) and typed in Times New Roman 10-point, italic and non-boldface. At least one e-mail address is needed for corresponding with the author.

2. Abstract should be a brief summary of the significant items of the main paper. An abstract should not normally exceed 200 words. All non-standard symbols and abbreviations should be defined. The abstract should be typed in Times New Roman, 9-point, non-italic and non- boldface.

3.Keywords list all keywords in order of importance, separated by commas and should be typed in Times New Roman, 10-point, non-italic and non-boldface.

Type the main text in 10-point Times New Roman, single-spaced with single line spacing and fully justified right and left. Do not use double-spacing. The spacing after paragraph is double. Figure and table captions should be 9-point Times New Roman, boldface and non-italic. Initially capitalize only the first word of the caption. Figure captions are to be below the figures and Table titles are to be fully justified right and left above the table.

4.Introduction: This section should be succinct, with no subheadings.

5.Materials and Methods: should be written in sufficient detail to enable others to repeat the authors’ work. Chemical compounds should be named according to the systematic rules of IUPAC or Chemical Abstracts. Common trivial names that are accepted by IUPAC can also be used. Units and dimensions should be expressed according to the metric system and SI units. It can be divided into subsections if several methods are described.

6. Results and Discussion - may be combined or kept separate and may be further divided into subsections. This section should not contain technical details. Abbreviations and acronyms should be used sparingly and consistently. Where they first appear in the text, they should be defined; authors may also explain large numbers of abbreviations and acronyms after the conclusion part.

7. Conclusion: This should clearly explain the main conclusions of the work highlighting its importance and relevance

8. Acknowledgments: All acknowledgments (if any) should be included at the very end of the paper before the references and may include supporting grants, presentations, and so forth.

9. References: References should be listed according to their appearance in the text, numbered consecutively and typed after the text using numbers in square brackets (e.g., “as discussed by Suzuki [1]”; “as discussed elsewhere [1, 2]”). All are typed in 9-point Times New Roman, single-spaced. Firstly, the family name of the author, secondly, the initials.  The name of the journal is in italic. For example:


  1. Cai H.H., Li S.D., Tian G.R., Wang H.B. and  Wang J.H., Reinforcement of natural rubber latex film by ultrafine calcium carbonate. Applied Polymer Journal,87(6), 982-985(2010).

2.Buehrer T., Gehrig P. and Simon W., Anal. Sci., (in press).


  1. Lund H.F. World Health Organization: Industrial Pollution Control Handbook, 1971, McGraw Hill Book Co., New York, p. 4/23-4/39 (1994).
  2. Houk R.S., SvecH.J. and Fassel V.A.,“Dynamic Mass Spectrometry”, Ed. D. Price and J. F. J. Todd, Vol. 6, Chap. 19, Heyden, London, 234 (1981).

3.Zewail A.H., Femtochemistry; Ultrafast Dynamics of the Chemical Bond. Vol.1,2, World Scientific, Singapore (2007).

     Proceedings or Abstracts

1.Raghuvanshi S.P., Singh R., Kaushik C.P., Raghav A.K. and Chandra A., In Proceedings of International Conference for Water and Wastewater: Perspectives in Developing Countries (WAPDEC), International Water Association, UK, pp. 1053-1062 (2002).


  1. American Public Health Association (APHA),Standard Methods for the Estimation of Fluoride Ions in Water and Wastewater, Washington, DC,USA, edn. 18 (1992).
  2. Raghuvanshi S.P., M. Tech Thesis, Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Guru Jambheshwar University, Hisar, Haryana, India (2001).


  1. Anumula K.R., US Patent 6800486 ( 2004 ).

     Web site



 Preparation of Figures

Upon submission of an article, authors are supposed to include all figures and tables in the word file of the manuscript. Figures and tables should not be submitted in separate files. If the article is accepted, authors will be asked to provide the source files of the figures. Each figure should be supplied in a separate electronic file. All figures should be cited in the paper in a consecutive order. Figures should be supplied in either vector art formats (Illustrator, EPS, WMF, FreeHand, CorelDraw, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.) or bitmap formats (Photoshop, TIFF, GIF, JPEG, etc.). Bitmap images should be of 300 dpi resolution at least unless the resolution is intentionally set to a lower level for scientific reasons. If a bitmap image has labels, the image and labels should be embedded in separate layers.

Preparation of Tables

Tables should be cited consecutively in the text. Every table must have a descriptive title and if numerical measurements are given, the units should be included in the column heading. Vertical rules should not be used.


These are sequences of reactions. They should have brief titles describing their contents. Schemes should be numbered.

Complete Process for Publication of an Article

The steps involved in processing the article are:


1.The authors who intend to submit their articles are requested to register with Biomaterials Journal by clicking here.

2.The authors can then directly upload their papers together with necessary figures files from Submit Manuscripts module and are required to nominate at least two referees.

3.The notification is sent to the Executive Editor about the new paper.

4.From this step the manuscript receives a unique article no.

5.The submitted article is initially reviewed by the Editorial Board Member who is an expert in the relevant field.

 It is then screened through plagiarism checking software. (S)he then sends it to selected referees for specialist review. During the review process, the Editorial Board Member may ask the author to make revisions according to the outcome of the peer review.

6.If necessary, authors introduce corrections and upload a revised version of their manuscript from Submit Manuscripts module.

7.The Executive Editor refers the revised manuscript back to the referees. On the basis of those second reviews, the Executive Editor decides whether the manuscript can be further considered for publication or not. If corrections are satisfactory in general but the manuscript still requires some revision, the Executive Editor sends it to authors for final minor corrections.

8.The Executive Editor makes the final decision whether the manuscript should be published or not.

9.The Managing Editor officially informs the author about the final decision by sending the acceptance letter and the payment fees for article processing charge as well as fill up the copyright form by all authors and coauthors. 

10.After receiving the payment the manuscript then undergoes language editing, technical editing, proofreading and finally is published. 

The standard peer review process together with language and technical handling of the manuscript may take up to 1 months and it may take possibly longer if the author is asked to make revisions to the manuscript.

 Copyright ( Contributors’ form) available from here.

Free Access authors retain the copyrights of their papers, and all open access articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited.

The use of general descriptive names, trade names, trademarks, and so forth in this publication, even if not specifically identified, does not imply that these names are not protected by the relevant laws and regulations.

 While the advice and information in this journal are believed to be true and accurate on the date of its going to press, neither the authors, the editors, nor the publisher can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be made. The publisher makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein.

Article Processing Charges 

All articles published in our journals are open access and freely available online, immediately upon publication. This is made possible by an article processing charge (APC) that covers the range of publishing services we provide. This includes provision of online tools for editors and authors, article production and hosting, indexing services and customer services. The APC, payable when your manuscript is accepted and before publication.

Free access publishing proposes a relatively new model for scholarly journal publishing that provides immediate, worldwide, barrier-free access to the full-text of all published articles. Open access allows all interested readers to view, download, print, and redistribute any article without a subscription, enabling far greater distribution of an author's work than the traditional subscription-based publishing model. Many authors in a variety of fields have begun to realize the benefits that open access publishing can provide in terms of increasing the impact of their work.

In a free access model, the publication costs of an article are paid from an author's research budget, or by their supporting institution, in the form of Article Processing Charges. These Article Processing Charges replace subscription charges and allow publishers to make the full-text of every published article freely available to all interested readers. In addition, authors who publish in our free access journals retain the copyright of their work, which is released under a “Creative Commons Attribution License,” enabling the unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction of an article in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited.

Biomaterials Journal is a free Access journal. Publishing an article in Biomat.J. requires Article Processing Charges (APC) that will be billed to the submitting author following the acceptance of an article for publication. Apart from these Article Process Charges, there are no submission charges, page charges, or color charges. The fees to be paid following the acceptance of an article are indicated in the table below:

Only 130$ USD (The fees should be paid upon acceptance)

Required Fees: Upon receiving the scientific acceptance for publication letter.

Payment for the Article processing charge (APC) is mandatory in this step for further production of article using the online payment link from here.


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