Corrosion and degradation of metals and alloys in dentistry


  • Reem A. Hany Dental Biomaterials Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Cairo University, Egypt
  • Salma K. Rizk Assistant lecturer of dental material science, Biomaterials Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Modern Science and Arts University.


Dental corrosion, metals, alloys, chemical failure, degradation of metals


Metal alloys have high strength and are competitive among other materials used in dentistry. The choice of a material for dental application, depends on several factors like corrosion behaviour, mechanical properties including strength and fabricability, cost, availability, biocompatibility, and aesthetic values. For metallic materials, the corrosion behaviour is the most important property to be considered, due to the biocompatibility and cytotoxicity of the products of the corrosion process. We will discuss the different types of corrosion of metals and alloys in dentistry and how to minimize it.


