Evaluation Methods of Depth of Cure and Polymerization Shrinkage for Dental Resin Composite Restorative Materials


  • Salam Rizk Dental Biomaterials Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Cairo University, Egypt


Resin composites are widely used for various restorative processes. In 1960’s it was used in dentistry for esthetic restoration of anterior teeth. But, in 1970’s composite was used as posterior dental restorations and UV cured composites were introduced. Limited light penetration led to dif-ficulty in polymerization of deep cavities. This was solved by using incremental technique. The in-cremental technique has drawbacks as time consumption and the risk of contamination. Improve-ments led to the development of bulk-fill composites to reduce the disadvantages of the incremental technique. Bulk-fill composites speed up restorative procedures because they can be applied in lay-ers up to 6 mm in a single application


