Assessment of knowledge, awareness and practices toward the use of 3D technology in planning and performing oral surgeries among dentists: A cross-sectional study


  • Ghada Salem Awad Ali Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Benghazi, Libya
  • Gada Abdul Hafiz Ahmed Ali Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Benghazi, Libya


3D imaging technology, planning, performing, oral surgeries, Libya


Background: The three-dimensional (3D) imaging technology is a contemporary technique that allows for the creation of very clear and detailed 3D pictures of teeth, jaw, and surrounding structure. In oral surgery, it leads to the enhancement of the diagnosis, planning, and implementation of oral surgical procedures.
Objectives: Assessment of the knowledge, awareness and practices toward the use of 3D imaging technology in planning and performing oral surgeries among dentists in Libya. Materials and Methods: through January 2025, a cross-sectional questionnaire-based study was employed among dentists with different academic degree (BDS, Master and PhD holder) in Libya, to evaluate the awareness and use of 3D technology among oral surgeons and general dental practitioners (GDPs) utilizing Google Forms and incorporating qualitative questions. Results: Based on the questionnaire responses, it can be concluded that the feedback regarding the use of 3D technology in oral surgeries among oral surgeons and GDPs is favorable. Conclusion: Dentists have a reasonable level of awareness regarding 3D technology in the planning and execution of oral surgeries, which will improve their surgical performance.



