3D Printing in Dentistry – Discovering New Possibilities



3D Printing, digital dentistry, dental material


3D printing is often regarded as a groundbreaking technology that is set to transform the manufacturing landscape. Its applications span across various fields, including aerospace, defense, art, and design, but it is gaining particular traction in the realm of surgery. The technology is especially relevant in dentistry, where advancements in 3D imaging and modeling technologies, such as cone beam computed tomography and intraoral scanning, are making a significant impact. Coupled with the established use of CAD CAM technologies in the dental field, 3D printing is poised to play an increasingly vital role. Some of its applications include creating drill guides for dental implants, producing physical models for prosthodontics, orthodontics, and surgical procedures, manufacturing dental, craniomaxillofacial, and orthopedic implants, as well as fabricating copings and frameworks for dental restorations. This paper explores the various types of 3D printing technologies available and their diverse applications in dentistry and maxillofacial surgery.


