english Amorphous Alloys : A Study on theır Applıcatıons as Bıomaterıals

Amorphous Alloys Synthesızed by Hıgh-Energy Mıllıng


  • Luciano Nascimento Laboratory of Ceramic Materials Synthesis, Federal University of Campina Grande, 882 Aprígio Veloso Street—Bodocongó, Campina Grande 58429-900, PB, Brazil
  • COSTA, A. C. F. M Laboratory of Ceramic Materials Synthesis, Federal University of Campina Grande, 882 Aprígio Veloso Street—Bodocongó, Campina Grande 58429-900, PB, Brazil


Amorphous Alloys; Biomedical Applications; Bone Tissue Regeneration; High Energy Milling (HEM).


In this work, the amorphous alloys Co69Nb23B8, Fe78Si9B13, Co68Cu23B9 and Fe64Nb28B8 were synthesized by high energy milling (HEM) and investigated as promising biomaterials for bone tissue regeneration. The amorphous alloys Co69Nb23B8, Fe78Si9B13, Co68Cu23B9 and Fe64Nb28B8, were milled using a load of 20 g, with a ball-to-powder weight ratio of 20:1, rotation speed 300 rpm, grinding time was 15 h, and used ethyl alcohol (C₂H₆O) as a process controlling agent (PCA) as a grinding medium and an argon atmosphere.  The amorphous alloys were subjected to characterization by XRD, FTIR, textural analysis, SEM, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA-DTA), magnetic measurements (VSM), mechanical tests and in vitro cytotoxicity tests.   Finally, it was observed through the cytotoxic profile that the safe concentration, at which cell viability was greater than 70%, had promising potential for applicability as a metallic biomaterial for bone tissue regeneration and temporary implants in orthopedics.


