The use of golan gum in the targeted release of sulfasalazine to the large intestine based on pH sensitivity


  • Mahshid Sadeghi


golan gum, sulfasalazine, large intestine


Targeted drug delivery is one of the most important branches of pharmaceutical sciences, which is important for researchers in increasing the effectiveness of drugs and reducing drug toxicity by means of drug delivery carriers.

The formulation of drug delivery systems can increase the safety of the drug by reducing systemic side effects, preventing the release of the drug in the stomach and damaging it, and preventing the distribution of the drug in healthy tissues. It also prevents the decomposition of the drug and covers the bitter taste of the drug and reduces costs. The purpose of this research is to use the drug sulfasalazine to the colon in a drug delivery system based on azo hydrogels, which we cover with gellan polysaccharide, and to show its effect on the body's digestive system and the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease.

To do this, we first poured distilled water into the sample beaker and mixed it with a magnetic stirrer. Heating was done for one hour to completely dissolve gelan. Then, the ground drug was added during the dissolution of gelan. Stirring continued for three hours and after that we drained the samples in a plastic container and put them in the refrigerator. 30 ml of deionized water was added to 10 ml of each of the samples, then they were titrated separately using 10 M sodium hydroxide solution and 1 10 M hydrochloric acid. The dialysis bag was cut into several pieces, and then the bottom of the bag was closed with a piece of clean, suitable cotton soaked in PBS buffer, and 20 ml of samples were added to each bag. For each sample, 25 cc of isotonic PBS buffer with pH=0.7 was added to a 50 cc Falcon tube, and the dialysis bag and its contents were immersed in the Falcon tube. Then, optical absorption or ultraviolet light was read using a spectrophotometer in both environments inside the dialysis bag and outside the bag during different hours. Cytotoxicity test is done by several methods: NRU, CFU, MTT, XTT, in this research we used MTT test to check the toxicity of substances on cell life. We used the FTIR analysis test to identify unknown substances, determine the concentration and quality of the sample. This research, while confirming the slow release, showed that the maximum release of the drug is within 48 hours in the environment similar to physiological and isotonic conditions. The successful development of nanoparticles for the oral method can change the treatment pattern of many diseases and have an important effect on the treatment results in the future.


